Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Summer to Fall Beauty

So I have been absent from this blog for over two weeks now and I do apologize to the readers that were checking in daily, hoping for updates. I work a full time job and I go to college at night and last week I had a huge test in my night class which studying for consumed any and all free time that I had. But my test is over and I am back for now.

Sometime between working and schoolwork, I woke up to realize that summer is really over and fall had begun. It began with tightness in my cheeks and ended with my test driving deep red lipstick the other day. I mourned the putting away of my Island Michael Kors but got really excited to get my favorite perfume ever (Stella) out and begin using it.

I may finally be time to use all the new products that I bought for this fall, but the companies are beginning to release the collections for Holiday and I have to keep thinking ahead to snow, shimmery eye makeup, and what my Christmas list is going to look like. I feel that I waited for fall to begin to for so long and it is already starting to pass me by in this time of busyness.

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