Monday, January 12, 2009

LUSH Haagenbath Bath bomb

In only several short weeks, I have ended up with a complete LUSH obsession. Good thing for me that I bought myself that huge gift set on my birthday last year, since now I have enough to last me for at least two or three months. My only major mistake was deciding that LUSH could do not wrong and that every product would be amazing. Of course something had to come along and burst my bubble…

After the amazingness of Big Blue, I was so excited to try another Bath Bomb. For this bath, I choose the Haagenbath Bath Bomb, a pale pink one that smelled like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Super high hopes often lead to a major let down…

The first thing that I noticed with this product is that it took FOREVER to explode once I dropped it in the water. It kinda just fizzed and then sat there for several minutes before it began to dissolve. It shot bits of chocolate off into the water and began to turn the water a pale shade of pink. After several minutes, it got small enough that I was able just to crush the little bit that was remaining. Not my favorite. The bits of chocolate that were in the bath bomb began to melt and than the water turned a funny pinkish brown color. This is not my first choice of bath water color. However this pieces of chocolate contain cocoa butter which really helped to soften up any dry patches that I had.

Then to top it all off, the scent of mint chocolate chip ice cream that I thought that I was going to get was actually more along the lines of spearmint with little to no chocolate. I don’t find the scent of spearmint to be relaxing in the least and it really didn’t help to me have a relaxing bath time experience.

Was there anything good about this bath? The bomb was really hydrating and made my skin feel much nicer than before I stepped in the tub. But of course there is yet another downside to this in that the tub was slick for the next few hours and I ended up sliding while trying to get out of it.

Also as a another downfall of all the oil in the bomb, this product left an oil ring around my tub which took me several minutes to clean up after my “relaxing” bath. I really think that was the worst part of the whole experience since more effort went into cleaning up the bath than if I just never would have used the product.
I guess that this product is discontinued since I can no longer find it on the LUSH website. Maybe this means that I got a older bath bomb but overall I was really disappointed with this bath bomb.

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