Thursday, April 30, 2009

MAC Creations Hue: Dejarose

I consider one of the most under-rated fragrance lines to be the Creations Hue line that MAC carried. Many people consider their makeup to be over-rated but I don't know anyone who uses their fragrance line. Most people that I talk to aren't even aware that MAC has a fragrance line to mathc with their collections. The first scent that I bought from them was Creations Hue: Turquatic which is a watery green scent that came out last summer and that I fell in love with at first whiff.

The latest scent that they have brought out in this collection is for the A Rose Romance collection. It is called Creations Hue: Dejarose and it is mind blowing. Here is the description from the MAC website, "Intriguingly romantic; a real scent paradox, Bulgarian, Turkish, and Tea Roses mingle with orchid, lily, jasmine, and peony to create a rosy retro-scent that slips to sex the summer senses, a finale of light and dark roses, patchouli, and amber crystal". This fragrance starts with an explosion of light flowers then turns all rose. After several hours, the roses are still apparent but the base notes are beginning to come through and heat the scent up by several levels.

I love that this fragrance lasts all day and I smell it the next morning if I don't shower that night. The only drawback of these fragrance is that they come in very small bottles but that can be remedied by buying two or more at the same time. I also want to get the Pinkaura fragrance in this collection, which is another floral but with more green notes in it.

Dear readers - go to MAC, check out the makeup but hen move over the little display of fragrances and start spraying them on!

photo courtesy of MAC

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