Monday, July 13, 2009

L'Occitane En Provence - French Week Day 1

The Provencal region of the France is in the Southern part of the country, this is the area that is nearest to the Mediterranean and is part of the more farm based parts of France. The company that comes to mind when most people hear of this region is the Provencal based line, L'Occitane. This region of France has large areas of farmland and this company uses the natural ingredients to create high quality body and skincare products based on a few of the core crops and products of this region. This company enforces rigorous standards for all of its product formulations so the user knows that he or she will be purchasing only the highest quality products with high quality essential oils contained in it.

My favorite line of products from this company is the line that is formulated with French Lavender. L'Occitane uses organic Butterfly Lavender harvested in the region in the late spring and early summer of each year. Lavender essential oil is key ingredient in most products that are used to destress and to aid people who are experiencing sleep issues.

I have several favorite products from the Lavender Collection. My favorite is the Lavender Foaming Bath. This product creates mountains of lovely, fluffy bubbles and is my favorite way to soothe away stress and get ready for a full night of sleep. I follow this up with the matching shower gel and body lotion. I will admit that I get much more use out of the shower products since I don't get to relax in a bath near as much as I would like to. Let me tell you from first hand experience, these product (when all used together) will put you to sleep. I first tried using Lavender when I was a junior in college and was going through a period where I had slept more than a couple fitful hours per night in well over a month. I gave these a shot and the next morning, I woke up to realize that I had slept for well over 12 hours and I felt sluggish from all that sleep and felt as though I had used sleep meds and forgotten about them.

While browsing the L'Occitane website to find the foam bath, I noticed that they make this fragrance in small butterfly shaped soaps, which would be a lovely hostess gift along with some bath products and the room perfume.

L'Occitance also carries many other products that are very popular. The two best known are by far the Shea Butter collection and the Citrus Verbena collection. The Almond products also get rave reviews. I think I will be trying more of the products from this company when I am feeling like a bit of simple South of France beauty.
photo courtesy of L'Occitane

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