Monday, December 21, 2009

Ojon Ultra Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner

For at least one or two years, every single time that I have gone to purchase a shampoo or conditioner at Sephora, I have been told by one of their associates that I should try the Ojon line of products because I would love it dearly. However, I have been nearly convinced several times until they have opened the bottles to let me smell them. The scent of the products from the line are earthy and somewhat remind me of dirt. This is not what I want my hair to smell like so I have always resisted and purchased another brand. I was surprised about how much the scent of this product line affected me, normally scent is one of the last traits that I consider in a product but there was just something about this scent that I could not get passed easily.

I always hear raves about this line, every magazine loves it and it seems like every supermodel swears by this line. I was intrigued but was afraid that my hair would smell like dirt all day long. Anyway, to make a long story short, Sephora has a great return policy and I just decided to give this one a try. I purchased the Ultra Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner and my hopes were soaring sky high before I tried this line out.

Ojon describes the shampoo on their website as follows, "Fortified with exclusive Ojon oil, an ancient native secret to naturally beautiful hair from Central America's Tawira tribe, known as the 'People of Beautiful Hair'. Ojon Ultra Hydrating Shampoo is a daily, ultra-rich moisturizing cleanser that conditions hair with exclusive Ojon oil, Shea Butter, and Sweet Almond Protein to add weightless body without static. It's like giving your hair a mini treatment everyday. Formulated to help condition dry or dehydrated hair". This shampoo has a matching conditioner which has almost the exact same description and uses the above listed ingredients to help hydrate and smooth the hair follicle.

The first thing that I noticed when using this shampoo is that the texture is wonderful. It produces a thick, rich lather that I loved. The second thing I noticed was the fragrance (of course!), it is very strong and filled my whole shower with the scent of dirt. Using the conditioner was much the same type of experience, I loved the texture but the scent lingered a bit too much for my liking. The scent did go away quite a bit after I got out of the shower but there is just a hint of it that lingers. After drying my hair, it was much softer than it is normally and was easier to get a comb through. After several uses, I could a difference in the softness and shine.

However...THE SCENT of this product lingers much too much for my liking, especially after repeated uses. and the scent of the oil is nothing that this brand will be able to change without drastically changing the whole product. Which is really a shame since all the other results were much to my liking. What I ended up having to do to make this line work for me is to alternate using Ojon for two days and then use another brand for two days and continue to switch on and off. It seemed to me like the scent built up after several days and continued to strengthen the more times that i used it. I would love to be able to use this line everyday and reap all the benefits but I had to make a compromise and try to reap most of the benefits of use.

photo courtesy of Sephora

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