Saturday, May 8, 2010

England Week 2010 - Beauty From the British

Cheerio loves! With the success of my last theme week (all products from France), I have decided to do the same concept with a slight variation. This time around, all the products have been developed and made in England. I am 100% Anglophile, from my love of Prince William, to English literature, to my morning cup of tea, my never ending Elton John playlist, and my obsession with the Burberry plaid. Oh and my wishing upon a star that I could actually attend Hogwarts!

I have narrowed my choices down to seven beauty brands and one product/line from each brand. Let me just say that this was much harder than French Week, England has much fewer beauty brands and some of the brands that many assume are English are not. One example is LUSH. Everyone seems to know the LUSH U.K. site and how the brand came much slower to America. However, LUSH is from Canada so I did have to rule out products found on LUSH U.K. Also, I really wanted to talk more about Stella McCartney since she is a favorite of mine. But I have covered so many of her products already that I have very little left to talk about and will just have to wait until more items come out.

I thought that lovely Emma Watson would be very suitable to start our week off. This is a picture from one of her recent ads for Burberry. Without further ado...England Week!

photo courtesy of Burberry

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