Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kate Somerville Goat Milk Face Cream

It's warm and humid and several weeks ago, my thick face creams started to slide off my face. Normally, I turn to Caudalie for new face creams but I decided that for once, I was going to switch up my skincare preferences and try a brand that I have nothing from. I decided on the Kate Somerville brand of facial care products. Kate Somerville is one of the most respected names in the skincare industry and her famous spa in Los Angeles is regularly filled with many of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood. So I decided to give her products a shot and see what the result was.

I decided to purchase the Goat Milk Face Cream (at Sephora) which is formulated for normal to oily skin types. Sephora places the product in this general category, "A nutrient-rich daily moisturizer". Sephora gives the following as the full product description, "Kate Somerville Goat Milk Cream calms and rejuvenates sensitive, dry, and combination skin, absorbing quickly with no oily residue left behind. It offers optimum moisture, balance, and overall well-being for a naturally healthy complexion. For years, Ancient Egyptians used goat milk to heal and nuture their skin; thier skincare wisdom bears following. This natural wonder continues the great tradition, lavishing skin with infusions of milk proteins, vitamins, and amino acids".

So far, I have loved this product when the weather is warm. It hydrates well and doesn't irritate my skin or cause any extra oiliness. Also, I have not broken out when using this product, a major plus. The only time that I wasn't thrilled when using this product was the few days that the temperature dipped down into the 50s, it wasn't hydrating enough and my cheeks felt tight and dry all day long. So this is not a product that I would use in the wintertime. Also, this is not a product that I would recommend to dry skin types, it is lightweight lotion and won't provide enough hydration even when used twice daily.

The packaging of this product is genius and I hope that other skincare companies jump on this concept. It is housed in a tub and when you press down in the top of the container (after removing the cap), the product comes up through a hole in the top. For myself, one pump is enough to cover my whole face and neck without wasting any product. I love the fact that I don't have to stick my fingers into this product to get it out and therefore, will always be putting clean product on my face.

I would recommend this skin cream to normal skin types in warmer weather and oily skin types all year round. Also, any of those with sensitive skin will not break out from this product and should see great results also.

photo courtesy of Sephora

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