Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lippmann Collection Summer 2010 Shades

Lippmann Collection has released two new shades of nail polish for this summer. Last season, I fell head over heels in love with the Happy Birthday shade, I would love it if that would be repeated with one of more shades from this collection. The collection for summer consists of two new shades, both of which pick up the trend of brightly colored manicures and pedicures. I am thinking that these shades are not going to be quite as wearable as the shades that came out for spring. Let's find out.

The first shade is named Between The Sheets and is a bright fushcia with a creme finish. I really like the cream finishes that I have been seeing on the brighter shades so far this season, a shimmer finish and bright colors and get overwhelming pretty quickly. That being said, I like this shade but I don't really know how much wear that I would get out of it. I could see myself using it for beach pedicures in the summer but I can't picture myself using it very often for manicures or at all in any other seasons. I might pass on this shade.

The other shade is named supermodel and was created with supermodel Dree Hemingway. This color appears to be a bright coral red creme on the picture on the Lippmann website but is described as a sheer shade. With my past experiences with Lippmann sheers (Rehab), I have found that they are sheer for about two coats but it you have the time and the patience, you can build them up with several more coats and you will achieve a full coverage finish. I find that this shade has too much coral in it for it to be very flattering to my skintone. Oh well, I will just have to use Happy Birthday more and wait to see what comes out in fall...

photo courtesy of Lippmann Collection

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