Friday, July 9, 2010

C.O. Bigelow Mentha Vitamin Body Wash

We are currently in the midst of one the worst heat waves ever. The heat index is over 100 almost every day this week and people are doing anything to cool off. Looking at fall collections is causing me to dream of sweaters and caramel apples. But, I still have to survive this heat wave that is my current reality before I can get to candy corn and pumpkins. So I need something cooling and refreshing right now. Time to break out the mint...

Currently, I am trying out the C.O. Bigelow Mentha Vitamin Body Wash, which is great way to start my morning shower with. It's cool, tingly, and really helps to wake me up and get me ready to start my day. Also, the product is green, making me love it every more.

Here is the description of this wash from Bath and Body Works. "Our mint-infused body wash provides an invigorating sensation while cleansing and refreshing skin. Wake-you-up formula deeply nourishes with vitamins A, C, and E to keep skin extra-healthy and looking its best."

This wash was provided to me by a PR company along with the matching body lotion and body buffer. I haven't gotten the chance to try the other two products so reviews on them will be forthcoming. However, I love this wash so I bet that I will love the other products in the line. Based on the great experience this wash provides in the shower, I also that the bar soap will be great too.

The peppermint oil in this wash cools my skin off and smells great. The tingling feeling doesn't last after the shower so if you want it to linger, you will want to layer the products in this line. The vitamins in this product help to protect skin that may have seen too much sun at the beach or park. I would recommend this to anyone, male or female, in the warm weather months. However, the sensation will not have same effect in the winter and I will be putting away for warm weather.

photo courtesy of Bath and Body Works

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