Sunday, February 27, 2011

LUSH The Comforter Bubble Bar

The best way to spend a relaxing night in? Why, a LUSH bath of course! Instead of my usual Bath Bombs, I have decided to try out the Bubble Bars this time around. The Bubble Bars produce tons of fluffy bubbles, much like a traditional liquid formula bubble bath and the Bath Bombs color and scent your water without the production of the mounds of bubbles. I really love both formulas but I was just in the moods for bubbles this shopping trip. My latest purchase from LUSH is The Comforter Bubble Bar, their top selling Bubble Bar and a top selling bath product overall.

"This fruity bubble bar gives the feeling of being hugged by a jolly blackcurrant. When life is getting you down, crumble The Comforter under hot, running water for purple water and creamy bubbles. It was created to bring a real sense of comfort to people, just like a real comforter (or scarf) would. The warm aroma of cassis absolute is so relaxing that you'll go to bed feeling happier and the world will seem brighter the next day", states the LUSH United States website. The essence of the black currant is said to be both comforting and relaxing, placing this product into the aromatherapy category of products. This bar also contains orange, cypress, and bergamot oils to continue the work relaxation process.

The best way to use this bar is to cut it up into four pieces and them crumble one under hot running. Normally, I get two uses from each Bubble Bar but this one is huge so it can be divided up into four baths. When you smell the bar itself, I get a sweet blackcurrant and vanilla fragrance but in the bath tub, it smells more of a sweet berry and vanilla bath. Now I didn't get purple water from this, mine was a shade of bright magenta. I think you have to use the whole bar (or divide it in half) to get the full coloring but with how strong the fragrance it and how many bubbles just a quarter produced, I think that the full bar would be a huge overkill and a waste of the product.

I agree with the "comfort" part of this product. With all the bubbles that it produced, it did give me the feeling up being wrapped up in something. I think is great product to use in the fall and winter (especially when it is snowing or around the holidays) but I wouldn't use in the summer, it will just be too much. I can see why this is top seller for LUSH...

photo courtesy of LUSH

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