Saturday, April 16, 2011

Entre Derm Skincare Technology

Several weeks ago, I was sent an Entre Derm kit from a PR company that represents them.  This is new brand for me, so I have been trying it out over the past few weeks and am seeing the results so that I can share my knowledge with everyone.  First of all, I have decided to start with an introduction to the line itself and over the next few weeks, I am going to feature each product individually.  This company uses their exclusive Somazone technology, which I am going to feature today in an overall introduction to the brand and their product line. I am pulling all of my information off the company's website so we can see how these products should be performing and to what standard we should be holding them to.

Here we go with the technology and the background of this line...

"The Cause of Wrinkles - As you age, your natural levels of collagen drop which cause wrinkles in your skin.  Put simply, the less collagen available within your skin, the more wrinkles you will develop."

"How Your Skin Functions - To understand how Entre Derm's creams help reduce wrinkles, it is first important to understand how your skin retains collagen and why it lets smaller molecules such as water out, while keeping larger molecules such as collagen in.  Let a net, your skin allows small molecules, such as salts out when you perspire.  The skin also allows water to escape in order to keep you cool.  Hence, larger molecules, such as collagen, are too big to pass through this net - hence they remain inside the skin where they belong."

"How Your Skin Retains Collagen - Collagen is a much larger molecule than water.  If your body simply allowed collagen to escape through your skin, you would lose all of it in your infancy.  Fortunately, your body is good at keeping larger molecules inside - therefore your collagen is retained and depletes slowly as you age.  However, just as skin functions to prevent larger molecules from escaping, the same system makes it a challenge to enable larger molecules to enter the skin as well.  As a result, trying to inject additional collagen into your skin in order to reduce wrinkles has historically required a needle."

"The Entre Derm Advantage For Providing Collagen - Entre Derm's unique advantage is the patent pending Somazone process.  The Somazone process allows molecules to actually squeeze through the tight space of your skin cells, bringing with it ingredients it can bring directly through the skin's surface.  This means that Somazone can enable larger molecules to enter into your skin - without the need for a needle!  This includes an abudance of anti-aging ingredients such as collagen, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid that can delivered to the skin.  Saturated with these revitalizing ingredients - the skin immediately looks younger and healthier - youthful contours are restored, wrinkles are softened and smoothed and it helps to achieve a flawless clarity and radiant glow."

"The Science of Somazone to Deliver Collagen - Somazone is a process that utilizes a biopolymer.  It is the result of years of research in transdermal delivery.  In Entre Derm Skincare's Night and Day Creams, active ingredients such as collagen, are attached to the Somazone molecule which enables the direct delivery of these ingredients through the surface of the skin.  Somazone allows large molecules to squeeze through the outer layers of the skin and be delivered to where they are vitally needed.  In Entre Derm Skincare's Night and Day Creams, active ingredients such as collagen, ultilizes the Somazone process which enables the direct delivery of these ingredients through the surface of the skin."

"Patent Pending Technology Behind Somazone - The technology behind Somazone was originally developed from research into the transdermal delivery of insulin for diabetics.  Our parent company, Transdermal Sciences PLC, holds a patent for this transdermal drug delivery system.  Somazone is our patent-pending process that combines this biopolymer backbone with active ingredients.  Somazone's interdermal delivery of these ingredients, such as collagen, ceramides, and hyaluronic, ushers in a future of increased effectiveness to the world of cosmetics.  Entre Derm Skincare is proud to bring the power of biotechnology, the power of Somazone, into the field of anti-aging research."

"Clinical Trials - Two sets of clinical trails have been conducted.  The first was at a leading Universaity and the second was performed by Stephens & Co., an independant firm that specializes in product safety evaluation and toxicology based in Dallas.  Both trials were double blind randomized studies, with a placebo (a leading competitive product) appiled on one side of the face and Entre Derm Night Cream on the other.  The trial lasted 4 weeks and a representative sample of women completed the clinical studies.  The women in the first study were scheduled to undergo facial plastic surgery and Entre Derm was applied to those portions of the skin to be removed.  The skin was biopsied before and after the trial and the results analyzed by an independant pathologist.  The trial demonstrated that the collagen ingredient had been transported to the skin.  In the second study, 20 women were also treated with Entre Derm Night Cream and a placebo.  The results of the test showed that the side of the face treated with Entre Derm was less wrinkled, presented better pigmentation, felt smoother, and fresh looking."

To condense down all of this information is the next step of the process.  The Somazone technology is exclusive to this company and it works to replenish collagen into the skin.  Since we know that collagen itself is too large to penetrate alone, this technology helps to bring the molecule into the skin easily and effectively.  Over the next few weeks, I will go into detail about each of the products that I was sent in the kit and how this technology is present and working in all of them.

photo courtesy of Entre Derm

1 comment:

  1. Entre Derm products are the hands down best value on the market and the results are will be amazed after just 2 weeks you will notice the difference. Out with all the other high priced big name attempts in this category...Entre Derm wins !!
