Friday, April 22, 2011

Tanda Zap

Several months ago, I wrote about the Tanda Skincare systems, one for anti-aging and the other one for anto-acne.  Both systems use light to change skin for the better, the anti-aging uses red for protein stimulation and the acne uses blue to kill the bacteria that causes breakouts.  This month, Tanda has released a new device in their acne line that also the blue light technology.  This new piece of technology is called the Tanda Zap and it is a targeted device for acne clearing.  The Tanda acne devices are great in that they deliver the light to a targeted area on the skin and won't affect all the healthy skin around the blemish, as many medications do since they cannot be applied with such accuracy.

Tanda states that this product is, "Clinically proven to clear or fade acne blemishes within 24 hours".  It "eliminates acne bacteria, helps prevent future breakouts, starts clearing blemishes immediately".  Unlike many types of ance spot treatments, this device has been cleared for usage on all skin types.  This device contains a powerful blue light that destroys the bacteria that cause acne.  This device also contains a gentle vibration and warming action that help open pores so that the light can effectively reach the depth of the pores.  The Tanda website also states that the vibration increase microcirculation to help the swelling, inflammation, and redness that are associated with acne breakouts.  This device is great alternative for those who have dry or very sensitive skin as there are no chemicals in it to worsen these skin conditions.

I have included a link to this company's website so you can the product lines.  I recommend that you guys read all the technology and science that this company has provided about their product lines, they are very informative and I learned a lot when I read these areas. Here is it -  If you have had any type of problems with ingredients in acne medications before or simply wish to try a new type of technology, I strongly suggest that you check this company out and give the Zap device a try!

photo courtesy of Tanda

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