Saturday, May 14, 2011

O.P.I. Summer 2011 Collection - Pirates of the Caribbean

The newest installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie comes out the 20th of this month and the hype is already beginning to build.  Back in college, I spent most of my time outside the classroom being in love with Orlando Bloom and the Pirates movies just fed my love.  I still admire Orlando Bloom but I do have to say that my long term love is Captain Jack Sparrow and the one of a kind Johnny Depp.  And now Captain Jack is back and it is time for me to go to movies with the rest of the Pirates fans!

In conjunction with the movie release, O.P.I. has released a new color collection to bring in both the summer season and the summer blockbuster season.  I wonder how many girls will be wearing one of these shades to the movie.  This collection consists of six pastel shades and one of the shatter top coats that became so popular with the release of the Katy Perry collection earlier this year (or very end of last year, the date is slightly fuzzy at the moment).  I have a feeling that we are going to see many more of the shatter-type top coats other the next seasons, both from O.P.I. and many other beauty product companies.  The shatter isn't exactly appropriate for work but it really makes a statement when going out at night.

The shades range from the typical pastels to a more extreme aqua and shimmery gray.  On first sight, I like all of them and I will a hard time trying to pick just two or three.  The first shade is named Mermaid's Tears and is a pale aqua shimmer.  This is one of my two favorite shades of the collection.  This is one is very unique and we all know how much I love my blues and aquas.  The second shade of the collection is another one that I find very attractive.  This one is named Stranger Tides, a shimmery gray that almost has a taupe cast to it.  This one is a warmer gray but I can't consider it to be a taupe shade, this is a bit on the hard side to describe.  On my first glance, I don't consider this one work appropriate but depending how much taupe is in it, it might be wearable it is more on the sheer side.

The next new shade in this collection is Planks A Lot, my other favorite of the collection.  This one is a lilac shimmer and I will wear this one all the time.  I would pair this shade as a manicure with either Lippmann's Wicked Game or Purple Rain as a pedicure.  This one is a must buy for me because I have been wearing purples and lilacs all spring and will continue through the summer.  And the fall (to be realistic).  The fourth shade is the last one that seems to have a specific color, the last two seem to be much less pigmented.  This shade is named Sparrow Me The Drama, a pale pink rose that also has a shimmer finish.  This one is quite pretty but I don't know how much wear I would get from this shade so I don't think that I would be buying this one.

The last two shades appear to be pales and I think they will appear more on the sheer side (unless built up with multiple coats).  The first of the sheers is named Steady As She Rose, a pale pink.  This one seems as though it will appear as a sheer pink shimmer on the nail and won't give much pigment.  The second sheer is named Skull & Glossbones, a sheer through taupe.  I'm not really interested in these two shades since I prefer pales with no shimmer when I want a pale nail. 

The shatter shade is named Silver Shatter, a silver shimmer that creates the cracked pattern on the nails.  Personally, I would prefer the black shatter with all the pastels in this collection.  The silver is on the metallic side and I think that it might not be enough contrast against the other shades in this collection.  That being said, I will be skipping out on the shatter shade and trying out the black with these instead.  My two favorite shades from the collection are Plank A Lot and Mermaid's Tear and I will get tons of wear from both of the shades.  I also like the Stranger Tides shade but I need to see this one in person since the picture on the O.P.I. website doesn't really answer the question of how much silver vs. taupe is in it.

I wonder how many girls will be wearing one of these shades to the movie this summer.  Personally, I think that I would be doing the Mermaid's Tears look for the movie.  It is now time to continue my obsession with Captain Jack Sparrow...

photo courtesy of OPI

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