Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beach Week 2011 - Introduction

The past few weeks I have been completely obsessed with tanning and taking a trip to the beach.  I haven't gotten the time to run down for the weekend yet so at the moment, I am bringing the beach to myself.  The past few weeks, I have been trying out several self-tanners and I am now a lovely golden glow and I will be ready to put on my bikini as soon as time allows.

I decided to do a Theme Week based on my current love of the beach.  I wanted to get a chance to get all tanner and the last of my summer product reveiws in before the fall collections begin to hit (Too Faced already has their's up online!) and also before the Fourth of July so that you all have time to buy and use products that you like well before the holiday weekend.

Beach Week will consist of a mix of tanners and sunscreens to use on the beach, makeup that won't come off in the surf, and a few products that will bring the beach to you if you are stuck in the city.

Beach Week...  Here we go!

photo courtesy of

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