Monday, June 27, 2011

LUSH Freedom Foamer Bubble Bar

I am sure that everyone is aware of the current debates over marriage equality in the federal and state governments (victory just occured in New York but there is a long way to go in many other states).  Many people feel very strongly on this issue, on both sides of the debate.  LUSH has long been a company that campaigns for human and animal rights and therefore I wasn't surprised when I read that they have released a limited edition product with all proceeds going to Freedom to Marry, an organization that supports same-sex marriages.   

I have some information from LUSH, describing both their views on the same-sex marriage subject and the product itself.  "At LUSH, we believe that our employees, customers, and community are valued and should be protected equally.  On June 13th, we launched a North America-wide campaign to stand up for same-sex marriage rights in the United States.  We, along with our campaign partners Freedom To Marry, are calling for the U.S. Federal Government to pass the Respect for Marriage Act, which would effectively overturn the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  The response so far has been remarkable; we've received an incredible outpouring of support from our customers and communities alike.  We're more hopeful than ever that change is truly possible.  We want to see an end to the ongoing discrimination against thousands of couples and families across America, but we can't do it without your support.  If you believe that same-sex couples and families in your community deserve the same civil rights and protections, join us by signing a postcard, telling your friends and family and sharing your story.  Together, let's make same-sex marriage legal in the United States."  Personally, I support the legalization of same-sex marriages in the United States so I am more than happy to give LUSH some press on this product and help to support their effects with Freedom to Marry.

But since this is still a beauty blog, let's check out the product itself.  "Lay back and soak in sparkling, emerald-green waters and mounds of fluffy bubbles.  We've created a limited edition Bubble Bar with the uplifting and refreshing scents of lemon, lime, and grapefruit oils - perfect for long, languid summer soaks.  We also think it's the perfect antidote to weary soles and a respite for freedom fighters.  LUSH is proud to partner with Freedom to Marry and their efforts to end discriminate in America.  All proceeds from the sale of this Bubble Bar will be donated to Freedom to Marry to support their "Why Marriage Matters" campaign."

Limited edition products like this from LUSH will sell out very quickly so if this is an itme that you find yourself interested in, you might wish to order it sooner than later.  This product will be wonderful on those hot days of the summer for refreshing and relaxing.  Personally, I have always loved any type of green colored bath product from LUSH since it leaves the water my favorite color.

Order this product and take a stand for human rights!

photo courtesy of LUSH

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