Thursday, July 12, 2012

French Week Day 4 - Caudalie Beauty Elixir

No French Week would be complete without mention of a product from one of my favorite companies in the world, Caudalie.  I have tried and loved many of the products from this company for years now and I still get excited everytime that a new product launches from this company, I am currently waiting for my Sephora to get the brand new hydrating serum in stock.  While I am waiting for that product, we are going to look at one of the cult products from this company.  I have bought more bottles of the Beauty Elixir then I can remember and have used it for multiple purposes.

The Beauty Elixir is a product that is steeped in history and grounded in the anti-oxidant benefits of the Caudalie skincare line.  Caudalie was founded two decades ago in the wine making region of France, this line is based on grape seed polyphenols and the anti-oxidant benefits that they bring to skin.  Founders Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas work very closely with some of the top researchers in France to harness the power of the grape seeds to help protect and heal skin.  Beauty Elixir is one of the first products that was released from this company, a multi-purpose beauty product that can be used on the face or body.

"Part tone, part serum mist of essential oils and plant active ingredients.  Smoothes the skin, tightens the pores, and provides an instant burst of radiance, as it stimulates microcirculation."  This Elixir contains a cocktail of Rosemary, Peppermint, Balm Mint, Grape Seed Extract, and skin-conditioning ingredients.  This product is housed in a spray bottle that can be used on the face or body.

Beauty Elixir can be used in a variety of ways.  It's skincare benefits come out most when it is sprayed directly onto bare skin, this method of application with brighten the complexion and tighten the pores.  It can also be used over foundation and powder to help set makeup, it is recommmended for use over mineral powders to even out the finish.  I use this product on my face during the summer months, it is too drying for use in the winter months.  For stress relief during studying, I spray this product on my neck to help relieve tension.  This is a needed product for me during finals week.  Lastly, during the hot weather, spraying this product on my face or neck is soothing and refreshing.  This is one of the very few truly multi-purpose products on the skincare market, it is a staple in many French ladies bathroom closets. 

We have just discussed the benefits of the product and how Caudalie uses it to tone the skin.  However this product has a rich history that instantly captured my attention the first time that the Caudalie representative told me about it.  In the late 14th Century, the term "Hungary Water" was invented to assign a name to the first alcohol-based perfume that was invented.  This perfume was invented for the then Queen of Hungary, according to the vendor she used this product on her face and body for her entire life and was considered one of the most beautiful women of her time.  Queen Elisabeth of Poland was said to attract men considerably her junior well into her eighties.  When it works...

It has been said that a monk (acting as a Court Alchemist) first created this for the Queen, however there is very little documentation on the first invention of the Hungary Water.  The first recipes call for distilling brandy with fresh rosemary as the base of the fragrance.  Numerous herbs can be added to the recipe, including Lavender, Mint, Sage, Orange Blossom, and Lemon.  All but the Lavender are found in the Caudalie Elixir, keeping the recipe very close to the original that was created hundreds of years ago.

This is one of iconic products from Caudalie and there is nothing on the beauty product market that it is even close to it.  I love how this company took a recipe from history and made only slight modifications (brandy isn't really used in fragrance anymore) to bring it up to the modern beauty standards.  Some of the best beauty formulas are the simplest and this one proves that to the hilt.  I have used this product for years and often give the small version as a small gift, it never fails to delight all who receive it.

photo courtesy of Sephora

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