Thursday, August 23, 2012

Essie Fall 2012 Collection - Stylenomics

We have been looking at fall collections since the very end of June and now we are finally getting into the time of the year that I can begin trying out many of the items that I have already bought for the fall and am really adding to my beauty product collection.  At this point in the season, almost every single fall collection has been released and I have so many new items to look at.  I am currnetly craving new perfume and new nail polish colors so today I have decided to check out the newest shades from the nail polish company, Essie.  One of the best aspects about Essie is that it so widely available, this company and OPI are two of the few companies that I know I can always find at many salons and beauty product stores, it makes it so much easier for me to find the shades that I love.

This new polish collection from Essie contains six brand new shades for the fall season and what might be my favorite collection name so far this fall.  I am currently working on my MBA and economics was one of my favorite classes over the years, I have another semester this fall and I am counting the days until the beginning of classes already!  This collection names manages to bridge beauty and business for me and I will need to own at least one or two polishes from this collection.

"No need to tighten your belt when you practice Stylenomics.", is the official collection description from the founder of the polish company.  In addition to school, the name of this collection is also making me think of the upcoming election and all the economic controversy surrounding it.  Business, politics, and nail polish are all wrapped up in one with this collection!

This collection contains two pales and four jewel tones.  We will start with the pale shades since I always seem to need new pale neutrals for everyday wear.  Don't Sweater It is a "warm, cozy, and creamy mauve", this would be a good everyday shade for a more conservative work environment.  This shade is slightly too boring for me and dupes of it can be found from almost major polish line.  I can skip over this shade pretty easily, there is a mauve that was released from Deborah Lippmann that I would prefer to own instead of this shade.  Miss Fancy Pants is the second pale shade and I would be much more likely to purchase this one.  This shade is a "refined, chic greige", a pale cool hue that I would work very quickly into my polish line up.  I will be looking for this polish that next time that I go to Ulta and I would wear this shade throughout the fall and winter months.

The jewel tones are the more interesting of the group.  Skirting the Issue will fit into with the cherry-inspired hues that I have been seeing for the fall, I bet this shade will sell out very quickly.  This is an "exquisite, fashionable burgundy wine" and a shade that I really want to buy.  I don't have a great wine shade in my collection yet and therefore this shade will also fill a gap in my collection.  I am adding this shade to my shopping list.  The second of the jewel toned shades is Recessionista, a name that makes me cringe to even read it.  I hate the word "fashionista" and I think that "recessionista" is even worse.  The shade is a "smart, intelligent, and savvy brick red".  I like the shade but the names annoys me so much that I would pass it over, this shade is not that unique and I know that OPI or China Glaze will have a shade just like it.  Head Mistress is the other red hue that is introduced with this collection, this name makes me think of Harry Potter and I love the name of this shade.  Head Mistress is a "bold, in charge, direct red".  Nothing super uniue about it but I like the shade and the name and would be likely to buy it.  The last shade is my favorite of the collection, this is the namesake shade of the collection.  Stylenomics is a "wealthy, rich, and opulent dark green" and is the shade that I have pictured with this post.

Stylenomics is my favorite of the new shades, I do think that this will be the best selling shade in the collection.  It is the most unique and will be the shade that is pictured on my counter.  I want to look for this shade and Miss Fancy Pants the most.  After I purchase my favorite two shades, I wouldn't mind owning Skirting the Issue and Head Mistress but I won't be crushed if they sell out.  Neither of those two shades are so unique that I can't find a shade in the OPI range that will look very similar to both of them.

photo courtesy of Essie

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