Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Illamasqua Rubber Brights Nail Varnish

Everyone knows that I love Illamasqua Nail Varnishes and now a new line of them has been released for the fall season.  As of right now, this line is a Sephora exclusive release and I do not know if it will be in all stores or only in select stores and the website.  I can honestly state that I will be chasing these polishes down, whether or not I can quickly find them in my local store or if I have to order them online, this polish formula is one of the best in the industry and the shade range is unmathced by so many other companies.

The Rubber Brights shade range introduces a new finish to the Nail Varnish range.  If I remember correctly, this company introduced a series of rubber finish polishes with their limited edition collection last fall.  I believe that those shades are still available but this is the first time that this company has brought more polish shades out with this finish.  So few shades were introduced in this finish that they never really got the praise that they deserved and were somewhat forgotten about after the collection was no longer new.  I am glad to see that this company has added more shades to this finish so that I have another group of shades to add to my Nail Varnish line up.

Since this collection is a Sephora exclusive, all of my information about the finish and shades will be pulled from this website.  "A highly pigmented matte nail varnish with an innovative rubber-like finish.  Go beyond ordinary nails with this chip-resistant rubber-finish nail color that contains the finest high-grade color suspension materials for creating a fast and buildable waxy rubber finish."  As of right now, Sephora states that this product is only available online so it looks like I need to begin putting an order together.

The shades look as though they should have been introduced in the spring or early summer as most of them are brights.  The deeper shades are all re-promotes of the original shades in this finish from the last fall release.  I might order some of these polishes and put them aside now or I might wait until late next winter to begin collecting them.  There is nothing that states that these are limited edition so I may be able to wait a few months to make my order.

- Devotee - candy pink
- Aorta - scarlet red
- Optimist - warm yellow
- Nuture - vivid green
- Kink - bottle green
- Serenity - bright turquoise
- Prosperity - rich purple
- Vice - deep cerise
- Faux Pas - blue violet
- Taint - stone brown

Kink, Vice, Fux Pas, and Taint are the original shades in this collection and I would be most likely to order these now and then wait on the bright hues.  Again...why is this collection being released now?!  I would have ordered almost all of them had it been released last April and would have been very excited to wear all the shades in the warm weather months.  I don't know why this bothers me so much but it does for some reason...

Anyway, time for me to get off my soapbox and do some online ordering!  My favorites for right now are Vice and Aorta, both of these reds will make a great manicure or pedicure shade for the fall and will be my first round picks (Fanstasy Football is coming soon - so excited!).  Devotee and Serenity are both lovely shades and I will want them for next spring so I bet that I will order now and put them away...temptation all winter long!

I am happy that Illamasqua is expanding their Nail Varnish shade line, I can't wait to order four of these shades and I am hoping for more Varnishes when the big fall collection is released!

photo courtesy of Sephora

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