Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cartier Eau de Cartier Essence de Bois

I am craving all kinds of new perfumes at the moment however I still have no room on my bureau for any new bottles.  I have been living through my pile of samples of Sephora, I have just received a new order of skincare products and with them comes the pile of perfume samples.  I have been using through them so that I can decide what fragrances I most want to buy later on this season and then into the next fall season.  Essence de Bois is the newest fragrance from Cartier and came in my latest group of perfume samples.  I first tried this fragrance out over the weekend and have worn it for the past few days.  This fragrance took me a bit longer to decide what I thought of it, it is very unique and like nothing that I own and really wasn't the type of fragrance that I would tend to seek out for purchase in Sephora.  Thank god for Sephora and their sample policy!

This fragrance is very strong on the wood notes, with a bit of lavender and soft florals thrown in the mix.  When I first smelled this fragrace, the wood notes were so strong that I wondered if this was a female or male fragrance.  I actually looked it up on the leaflet that came with the vial and still came away with no answer, I had to assume that it was made for women as the bottle said nothing about "male" or unisex".  After this fragrance settled into my skin, it became a bit more evident that this was a fragrance geared toward women however I could easily see a man using this fragrance.  It was only after I had this fragrance on for several hours and it faded on my skin did this begin to smell very much like a woman's fragrance.  This is a fragrance that took me a few tries to warm up to, I hated it the first time that I used it and it took three or four tries to get me to point that I liked wearing it. 

Here is the description of the fragrance and the notes from the Sephora website.  "The new olfactory version of Eau de Cartier reveals its unexpected ardent woody freshness.  Essence de Bois is the unexpected combination of the freshness of water and the warmth of precious wood.  This alluring fragrance leaves a lingering trail for him and for her, both fresh and sensual."  I now think that this might be a unisex fragrance however it still might be too feminine for some men.  It is light enough for either gender to wear, however I don't see that it is a very universal fragrance, I would place this more as a niche fragrance since it isn't very traditional.  The previous fact is one of my favorite aspects of it and that is why I began to like the fragrance more and more as I began to wear it more often.

The notes of the fragrance are: Yuzu, Bergamot, Violet Leaves, Oud, Violet Flower, Lavender, Ambergris, Patchouli, Musk.

The Violet Leaves and Lavender are the notes that linger on my skin.  The fragrance starts out with a strong burst of the wood notes and initally smells very masculine.  After several hours of development on my skin, this scent fades down to the Violet Leaves and Lavender notes, making it much more feminine.  I find this fragrance pretty hard to wear for some people, females might find this scent too heavy on the wood and many men might find the drydown too feminine for them.  This is a very unique fragrance from Cartier and that is why I like it, this is another scent that I can honestly say that I own nothing like it in my current collection and I am considering buying a full size bottle.  I am on the fence about whether or not to purchase the large bottle, I do like the fragrance and it is very unique however I just don't know how much that Iw ould wear it.  This is fragrance that I would only wear in the fall and winter, a large bottle would take me a very long time to finish.  For the meantime, I will need to finish up my sample and then see if I can come to some kind of decision.

This is the first fragrance that I have really used from Cartier and I love how unique it is and I am deciding whether or not I would like to purchase the full bottle.  For now, I am tabling the decision until my sample is done and then I will make my decision...

photo courtesy of Sephora

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