Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trish McEvoy Fall 2012 Collection - Watercolors Collection

Currently, I have two fall collections left on my list that I have not yet looked at.  Today we will look at the Trish McEvoy collection, Watercolors.  It is getting harder and harder for me to find counters for this company, I can only find one down in King of Prussia or up in New York City.  Therefore, as much as I like many of the products from this company, I can't get super excited to try them out as I will not get to the counters very often.  Once I can finally get to the counter, my main goal will be to try some of the fragrances out and see if I have found any new fragrances to take home with me.  I will be playing with some of the color products too, but they are not my top priority right now.

Watercolor is the new collection for the fall months and it is one of the smallest ones that I have seen in the past few months.  In fact, this collection consists of three (and only three) new palettes.  These are not large palettes or do they contain products for all facial features.  I don't quite see the point of releasing a collection this small and then focusing a whole season around three products but I guess quality is better than quantity...

I found this collection on the Nordstrom website and that is where I am pulling all of my information from since this would be the store that I would be the most likely to order from or visit the store.  I am already plotting a Nordstrom order in early October so if any of these palettes look very promising, I will take a chance and add one to my shopping cart.  On first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything unique or amazing about these shades but more information might come to light as we look at each product by itself....

From the Nordstrom website, "Inspired by the incandescence of watercolor paintings, Trish developed a collection of textures that makes you look lit from within."  We have two eye shadow palettes and one face palettes, I do not see anything for lips (very disappointing from my point of view).

Here are the new palettes from Trish McEvoy...

Effortless Eyes Wet and Dry Eye Shadow Trio - Handmade in Italy, Trish's extruded formula enhances eyes with high-definition color from soft to rich to dazzling.
- Lilac - white/pale lavender/black
- Nude - champage/medium nude/deep chocolate brown

Golden Face Color Trio - A customizable face color trio marries Bronzers Golden and Golden Tan with Blush Natural for a perfectly brightened complexion and a lit-from-within look.  Two shades of bronzers and a medium warm pink cheek color.

Well nothing has changed my life so far...  Both of the eye shadow palettes are nice.  And that's it...nice.  Nothing amazing and really nothing even that unique as I bet that I own each of these shades already or I could find them in any permanent eye shadow line up.  Perhaps if I loved the Trish McEvoy line and only used products from her, I would be very excited for these palettes but anyone who has more than 10 eye shadows in her collection will own pretty much all of the selections in the palettes.

The face palette does nothing for me either, I know that this company is big on using bronzer all year round and therefore puts it in all of their collections and palettes but I am not and so there is no way that I would purchase this palette for fall.  If I were to even entertain buying it, I would save it for next summer whne I would use the multiple shades of bronzers.

I think my fall collection coverage is ending on a lower note, hopefully Giorgio Armani produces a stunning collection or I will leave fall totally bummed...

photo courtesy of Nordstrom

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