Tuesday, March 12, 2013

China Glaze Spring 2013 Collection - Avant Garden

The official collection for the spring season from China Glaze has finally arrived to their website and that means that I will have a trip to Ulta and Sally Beauty Supply coming up very soon.  I have collected many shades from spring collections in the previous years from this company and Anchors Away from spring of 2011 is still one of my favorite polish collections in history and I own almost half of the shades but still keep adding more polishes from it when I go shopping.  That collection contained a great mixture of brights, neutrals, and pales and I can only hope that Avant Garden is just as lovely this year. 

China Glaze is a favorite nail polish line of mine and one that I buy multiple bottles of every single season.  I just love their shade range and how well their polish wears for me, thanks to this company, my polish collection is spilling out of the box that it is stored in and I have to take a day while I am on vacation and visit Bed Bath and Beyond to figure out a new storage system.  And if this spring collection is as good as last year's Electropop and Anchors Away, then I will need a new storage system before I haul from Avant Garden...

"China Glaze is a professional-level nail enamel made with a special balance of polymers and resins that combine to create a nail lacquer that is long lasting, chip-resistant and resistant to color and shine fading. Will not thicken in the bottle, no thinners necessary."

This collection is comprised of pretty pastels and vibrant brights.  I am not sure which line I am more excited for and I know that I will quickly find favorites in both shade ranges.  I think that I will start with the pale shades for spring and then buy the brights but save them for the summer months.  I have just started getting my pale shades out and I refuse to go back to wearing my deep jewel tones.  It hit the mid 60s last weekend and I want the temperatures to stay there for the rest of the month!

Here are the pales in the Avant Garden collection!

- Dandy Lyin' Around - pure white shimmer with silver while glitter flecks
- Fade Into Hue - muted periwinkle cream
- Keep Calm, Paint On - mint green with a silver shimmer finish
- Life is Rosy - muted cool rose cream
- Pink-ie Promise - medium bubblegum pink cream
- Tart-y for the Party - bright lilac cream

And here are the brights in the collection!

- Budding Romance - bright yellow olive green cream
- Fancy Pants - bright indigo with silver shimmer
- Mimosas Before Manis - bright warm coral with gold shimmer
- Passion for Petals - bright warm salmon pink cream
- Snap Dragon - bright magenta with silver and gold shimmer
- Sunday Funday - bright cool blue cream

My favorite part of the collection is the pastels, my top rated shade is the one that I have pictured here.  Tart-y for the Party is very similar to the shade that I loved from the OPI Eurocentrale collection and I have been loving lilac polish shades so far this season.  I now know what shades will be in constant rotation on my nails this season.  It goes with saying that Tart-y for the Party will be going on my Most Wanted List for the next month.  I also want to purchase a few more shades from this collection and my shopping list is as follows; Dandy Lyin' Around, Fade Into Hue, Life is Rosy, and Snap Dragon.  Snap Dragon reminds me very much of a shade from Anchors Away (Ahoy! I believe) and I know that I will get lots of use from all of these shades this spring and summer.

This is another great collection from China Glaze and it is getting me ready for the warm weather to come back and stay.  We only have a few more spring collections left so we will wrap it up over the next two weeks and I will keep collecting great new beauty products from spring!

photo courtesy of China Glaze's Facebook page

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