Friday, July 19, 2013

Fitness Friday - Bolthouse Farms Strawberry Banana Smoothie

I have been a fan of Bolthouse Farms juices and smoothies for many years now and today we are going to look at the first one that I ever tried from this company and my overall favorite from them.  I go back and forth between my favorite Strawberry Banana and the Mango.  I am drinking the Mango as I type this however we are going to look at the Strawberry Banana today and then the Mango smoothie later on.  Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits and I will spend all of the late spring and early summer eating them and then go into depression when they quickly go out of season.  This Strawberry Banana smoothie is one of the only ways that I can get my fill of strawberries in the off season.  This is one of my favorite treats in the fall and winter months and I can actually say that it is good for me too!

Bolthouse Farms is one of the more widely known and easy to find natural juice and smoothie brands.  As I stated above, I have used this brand for a long time.  I actually began drinking their juices and smoothies before I ever started exercising or became a vegetarian.  So I have a pretty good track record with this company...

"We have a sneaking suspicion that strawberry and banana always knew they were meant for each other. So they were probably really excited when we put them together to make our classic Strawberry Banana Smoothie. Sweetened only with natural fruit, this is one combo you won’t soon forget."  This product is: Gluten Free, Vegan, and Dairy Free.  It contains no High Fructose Corn Sugar and is high in Vitamin C.  This is a great smoothie to try is you get sick easily when the seasons change and in the cold weather. 

The taste of this product is stronger on the strawberry than on the banana and provides on the best natural strawberry flavors on the market.  This product comes in three different sizes, I would recommend trying the single serving bottle first (8 oz) however I have been buying the 52 oz bottle for a few years now.  I drink one 8 oz glass every day so this size is what I need to get through the week.  One serving delivers all the needed Vitamin C and delivers more than the Daily Recommended amount.  I might graduate to two 8 oz glasses if I feel a cold coming on but I only need one serving to feel great each day.

This is not a miracle smoothie, it will complement a good diet and add additional Vitamin C to enhance health.  It is great way to enjoy strawberries all year long and good for a sweet taste without eating candy or other not-so-great for you sweets.  My goal is to try every single one of these smoothies and I will continue to report back on Fridays as I find more flavors for you to try!

photo courtesy of Target

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