Saturday, August 31, 2013

Jelly Pong Pong Lip Blush

My newest Glossybox has arrived and has produced one of my newest favorite lip products, the Jelly Pong Pong Lip Blush.  This is one of the products that Glossybox had been sending us hints about in the days leading up to the boxes being sent out and I liked the bright pink lip hue as soon as I saw my first picture of the product.  I don't know very much about the Jelly Pong Pong company so we are going to start by looking at the company itself and then looking at the details of one of my new favorite lip products. 

I have not seen this company's products sold in "typical" stores like Ulta and Sephora so I am thinking that I need to order these products online.  The website provides a quote from the founder of the company, Susan Chyi, about how the company is unique.  "Jelly Pong Pong…a name which will always be strange to many...  ...was born from the notion of wanting to invoke the eccentricity that is innate in all of us. The fascination & awe that we arouse simply by being different and perfectly unique.  I love cosmetics, but created a little differently. Products with soul , which tell a funny story, which rekindle romances and which are created because we are inspired by the weird & wonderful.  It has always been my greatest joy to make quirky, forward-thinking cosmetics that combine play with artless sophistication…stuff made of dreams & emboldened by ideas.  From spongy trifle lipsticks to “Cellulite-Free” eye shadows, we celebrate these witty and sometimes unconventional products which we have dreamt & come up with. My hope is to bring you an irresistible line of cosmetics, extraordinary yet beautiful, for you to discover and delight in.  I invite you to embrace all that is uniquely Jelly Pong Pong."  I think I might want to find out more about the products in this company very soon.

"A moisturizing lip stain that tints your lips with just the right amount of juicy colour and hydrates like a balm. Apply liberally, purse and let the silky lightweight texture melt onto your lips.", states the website in a product description.  This is a very soft lip crayon and the texture is much more similar to a tinted lip balm than a traditional lip crayon, it reminds me of the Clinique Almost Lipstick turned into a crayon format. 

This is a very easy product to use, I quickly "color" my lips in and then smudge them together.  This formula is more of a stain than a lipstick and then will create a stain that lasts on my lips all day long.  The product does need a touch up after eating or drinking and does not last as long as a liquid lip stain, I can get about six hours wear from it unless I eat or drink.  This product hydrates well and I love the combination of high pigment and hydrators that it contains. 

This product is only available in two shades, the bright pink that I have and a medium red shade.  I don't have much potential to collect this product since I only have one more shade to purchase in it but I can say that I will continue to buy the pink shade over the next few years.  I would love to see more shades in this product and will begin to look at the rest of the line very soon.

photo courtesy of Jelly Pong Pong

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