Friday, January 10, 2014

Fitness Friday - Bolthouse Farms Blue Goodness Juice

It is the dead of winter and I have been feeling that lack of ready fruits and vegetables available at my grocery store, this is the hardest time of the year for me to keep up with my diet and exercise plan.  I have been missing all the fresh fruits that I eat all throughout the summer and I have been trying to find new juices and smoothies to tide me over for the next few months.  I have used a lot of Bolthouse Farms products in the past and I visited this area of my local grocery store when I wanted to start my search.  My favorite drink from this line is the Strawberry Banana and I wanted to find more colors in these juices as to mix up my diet.

The Bolthouse Farms website provides the following description of this juice, "Blueberries, blackberries and black currants are often described as super foods. Our Blue Goodness is made with the juice of these fruits and gives you an excellent source of 11 essential nutrients."  Each bottle of this juice contains 3 and 3/4 servings of fruit therefore less than one bottle of this juice per day would provide me with all needed servings of fruit.  

Contained in this juice are: Apple Juice, Banana Puree, Blueberry Juice, Lemon Juice, Black Currant Juice, Purple Carrot Concentrate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin B12.  This juice will provide a whole host of vitamins and anti-oxidants and I hoping these juices will make me feel better during the winter months.  

I think my favorite part of this juice is how great that it tastes, blueberries are one of my favorite berries to eat when they are in season and now I can drink them all year long.  I will be drinking this juice all throughout the winter and I will be trying even more juices from this company.  I will be reporting back once I have tried more from this company and I will be reporting back once I find more juices worth posting about.

photo courtesy of Bolthouse Farm

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