Friday, December 19, 2008

LUSH Ring of Roses Buttercream

Technically winter hasn’t even really begun yet and already my skin is tighter and drier than it has been in months. My skin is normally on the drier side to begin with but in the winter months, the skin on my body is so dry that I develop alligator patches all over and it hurts to move sometimes. How very attractive.

Every other year, I have tried to combat this problem with exfoliating and trying to moisturize after every shower. However it is the busiest time of the year for me, between the holidays and the end of the semester crunch so I don’t always have the time for a full routine. So I decided that I needed to change my routine in the shower instead of out of it. I have found that body washes that claim to be hydrating often do nothing to save my skin so I needed to find something else to use in there. I briefly considered trying some different bar soaps but I needed a quick solution and didn’t have the time or patience to purchase and try all different kinds before I find one that works for my skin.

I turned to the people at LUSH to try and find a product that would help me. Last summer, I bought myself a huge gift set from them and I really hadn’t opened it yet. I went through every thing in there and found a treasure. I found the Ring of Roses Buttercream soap. I was already attracted to this product because it has a rose scent, but I really didn’t know all that much about it. Buttercreams are a blend of 15% soap and 85% emollients. The 15% soap is just enough to cleanse but is not enough to produce the usual lather that is expected when using bar soap.
The first time that I tried it, I rubbed it all over a wash cloth and was rather disappointed with how much product that I ended up using to create just the littlest bit of lather. When I got out of the shower, my skin was slightly less tight feeling but it wasn’t very much of an improvement. I was rather unhappy and decided that I would just be using this product for the scent and would need to look elsewhere to find a product that would be hydrating enough.

The second day, I didn’t use the wash cloth and rubbed it right on my skin. It didn’t rinse as clean and didn’t foam up at all. However, my skin was much softer when I got out and stayed that way for the next few hours. After a week of use, my skin remained soft all day and now I am very happy with the product. I wish that it foamed up more but I know that then it wouldn’t be hydrating enough for my skin.

photo courtesy of LUSH

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