Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Too Faced Mood Swing Lip Gloss

I don’t know about anyone else but when I was in middle school, I was obsessed with the return of mood rings. I had a bunch that I bought at jewelry stores and I also had some that I picked up at vintage stores. I would sit there in class and try to change my mood just so that I could watch the stone in the ring change colors. Imagine my disappointment when I was told that the ring changing colors had nothing to do with moods, it as based on the changes in body temperature that tend occur when people get upset, etc. I didn’t want to believe it but when I tested that theory by dunking the rings in different water temperatures I had to face the fact that temperature, not mood alone changed the rings.

Fast forward to now - I have no clue what happened to any of my rings and I wouldn’t be caught dead in one (even if it was made by Tiffany’s!). When browsing through Sephora one day, I saw something that brought it all back. It is a lip gloss that is supposed to act the same as mood rings. It is called Mood Swing Lip Gloss and it is from the Too Faced line of makeup. Sephora states that this is “a lip gloss that changes color on your lips depending on your body heat, pH balance and mood”. Hmmm…I need to know more!

This is official description from the Sephora website, “Our supernatural formulation starts off crystal clear and blossoms into countless shades of pink from cotton candy to deep fuchsia. Are you in love, jealous, angry, happy, or hot and bothered? Your lips will tell the tale and allow you to express yourself like never before! Mood Swing’s secret blend of essential oils and extracts improves elasticity and rejuvenates your lips while natural sunscreens insure a younger looking smile”. This product can be applied by itself or over another lip color. It also can be used on the entire lip or just in the middle of the bow.

At first, I really really wanted to try this product but then I began to think about it more. Do I really want my lip gloss changing every few minutes? I can just see it now, I’m talking to a friend or classmate and he/she is beginning to get on my nerves, I try to hide it but my lip gloss is telling a different story. Or what about getting the question, “Why is your lip gloss changing color by itself?” Or even, “What’s wrong? Your lip gloss is changing colors!” This could lead to many potential problems.

Kinda iffy about this product. I was ready to jump on the bandwagon but now I am beginning to think that this product could be more of a hassle then a fun extra to my collection.

photo courtesy of Sephora

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