Sunday, February 10, 2013

Beauty Loves Week Day One - MAC Plushglass in Ample Pink

We are going to start this week off with my favorite lip gloss and one of the formulas that I think gets the least amount of love from MAC.  I love all of MAC Lipglasses and I tend to pick up a new one almost every single time that I visit the counter or that a new collection comes out.  So when one formula and shade captures my love and becomes the lip gloss that I use the most and tell all my friends and co-workers to try.  I have a huge collection of MAC Lipglasses (and more are one the way from Archie's Girls so my collection is only going to get larger over the spring season!) so it is rare feat that one shade has been my favorite since I first bought a tube of it in the summer of 2008.  Being that it is now 2013, I have had the same lip gloss love for almost five years.  How many ladies can say that they have loved the same lip gloss for almost five years...and my love affair with MAC Plushglass shows no signs of leaving any time in the near future.

Plushglass is considered to be the thicker, plumping formula of MAC Lipglasses.  I rarely see limited edition shades of this formula and I only found out about it because the MAC makeup artist that was doing my eye makeup recommended it to me.  This makeup artist really knew what she was doing, not only did she help me create a subtle smoky eye but also taught me how to re-create it easily at home.  And then recommended the pefect lip gloss to use against dramatic eye makeup or for when I don't want a lot of pigment on my lips.  That original tube has all the print worn of it from banging around my purse so often and all the product was literally scraped out of it before I declared it to be finished and I bought a new tube of it the very next time I passed by the counter in Macy*s.  Today's Beauty Love celebration is over MAC Plushglass in the Ample Pink shade!

The MAC website states the following for the overall product description, "Sheer lip colour with a pearlized high-shine gloss finish. Comfortable to wear: lush, multi-dimensional. Gives a cool-warm, vanilla buzz to the lips. Moisturizes, soothes and visibly plumps the lips to make them look luxuriously healthy and well-conditioned. Contains vitamin E for added environmental protection."  This lip gloss formula only contains fifteen shades in its line-up, much smaller than the traditional MAC Lipglass line up.  The shades range from pale to deep and all of them have a cream finish.

Ample Pink is my absolute favorite shade and it is a "full, soft rose", a sheer rose that compliments my lip shade and skintone.  The plumping effect in this formula is very subtle and really only adds a very little bit of volume and evens out slight lip lines.  It makes my lips looks full and healthy, a look that men are drawn to naturally.  I never fail to get compliments on this lip color from the ladies around me and I have noticed that more men will talk to me when I use this lip gloss than when I use any other gloss shade in my collection.  This is the epitome of the perfect lip gloss and the best product that I have ever used.  I will die if this shade is discontinued and I really wish that MAC would bring more shades out in this formula, epecially in the hyped limited edition collections that are housed in the special packaging. 

Beauty Love Day One is all about the best lip gloss that I have ever used and that my traincase will never be without!

photo courtesy of MAC

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