Monday, February 11, 2013

Beauty Loves Week Day Two - Stella McCartney Stella

My favorite fragrance for the past few years has been Stella McCartney's first and still most popular fragrance, Stella was one of the best selling fragrances for years at Sephora and many limited edition versions of this fragrance have come to make it wearable in every single season.  Stella is one of the new classic rose scents and one that I believe will be one of the iconic rose fragrances in the next decade or two.  I am a rose fragrance lover and I own more roses than anyone that I know and this is the still the best rose fragrance that I have ever used and the only one that I have re-purchased when I finally finished the last drops out of my original bottle.

When did my love affair with this fragrance begin?  That would be the end of the summer in 2005, it was a newer fragrance at that time and I tried it on my first (!) trip to Sephora.  In 2005, Sephora hadn't come around to my area yet and my best friend and I decided to drive down to King of Prussia before the college year began and stock up beauty products and try out new clothing styles.  My first trip to my favorite store resulted in me purchasing my first bottle of my favorite fragrance - if that isn't a match made in heaven then I don't know what is. 

I believe that Stella is only sold at Sephora and on the Stella McCartney website and I have turned to my favorite store and website in order to provide a full description and the notes of this fragrance.  "A fragrance based on the contrast between the freshness and softness of the rose, and the dark sensuality of amber, Stella is a sophisticated scent focused on an intense sense of femininity.  The concept of the Stella McCartney bath line is based on an ecological and organic cosmetology, selecting the best natural raw materials and capitalizing on vegetal extracts based on organic agriculture and on extraction methods that respect and protect the natural life force of the plants."

The notes of this fragrance are: Rose, Peony Flower, Mandarin, Rose Absolute, Amber. 

Stella McCartney is a vegan, as is her whole family and this series of beliefs extended to her entire beauty product line and all of her products (clothing, purses, shoes) and she is one of the first major designers to draw attention to environmental and animal issues that are so prevalent in the world today and then makeup cruelty-free clothing that is coveted by even non-vegans.  Her empire took veganism into the mainstream and made is stylish to care about the environment and the effect that the human race has on the earth.  Stella McCartney has gone from a brand to an entire lifestyle and I can only believe that this company will continue to keep growing over the next decade. 

It still amazes me how many people have never heard of this fragrance and ask who Stella McCartney is when I talk about it.  I get compliments all the time when I wear this fragrance and I tell everyone about how much I love it and all about the formula and notes.  This is one of my signature fragrances and I have only purchased a handful of bottles of it for gifts over the years...I don't want my special scent spoiled by having a whole crew of scent twins. 

As I stated earlier, this fragrance has come out with all kinds of limited edition versions over the years and I have smelled every single one of them and I still hold that the original is the best and cannot be replaced by any of the other version.  The rest of its fans seem to agree with me since none of the other versions have stuck around and the original is still being sold at a pretty high rate.  I don't know that I will ever find another fragrance that I love as much as this one and I cannot even begin to imagine what I will do if the company decided to stop making it...

photo courtesy of Sephora

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