The benefits of this product: brings baby skin back; brings balance to skin - oily skin becomes less oily and dry skin becomes less dry; firms, lifts, and puts a glow on your face in as little as three minutes; minimizes the redness associated with rosacea; continues working throughout the day; tightens and minimizes facial pores; removes free radical toxins from your face and replenishes it with the right nutrients; fights eczema, ance, and psoriasis; gives your face a natural, healthy radiance; lightens pigmentation and freckles; cleanses, tones, exfoliates, and moisturizes... all-in-one and cost effective; moisturizes skin after every wash (due to Chlorey'nahre); works equally well as a shampoo as it helps to improve the scalp and hair to become soft and shiny; works well as an aftershave treatment to reduce razor burn and the incidence of ingrown hairs.
How this products works: it improves the skin by releasing toxins that have been trapped all the way down to the dermis layer. Since this product works very differently than normal skincare regimes, many people (myself included) experience what is known as the "Healing Crisis".
"Some people may go through a Detox period also known as the "Healing Crisis". As the Wonderbar works on repairing the skin to restore its balance, one may experience some itchiness, dryness, peeling, or even breakouts. This happens as the toxins trapped under the skin are flushed out. Most skincare products you find on the market act to suppress toxins in the skin, preventing them from coming out (e.g. cystic acne, blackheads). This hinders the skin from being healed completely. Most of us have used these products. The MOOR substance found in the Wonderbar (with the essence of over 700 herbs & plants), is extremely effective in flushing out all of these toxins that may have been trapped under the skin for many years".
"Dehydration causes the skin to lose its radiance. This makes the skin more fragile and less effective in acting as a barrier against external irritants and infection. Our advanced, unique algae, Chlorey'nahre, heals and protects your skin against dehydration, external irritants, and pollutants. The 'Healing Crisis' indictates that the product is working. Whereas some may not experience it all, which indicates there is not a lot to be flushed out. The duration of the 'Healing Crisis" may vary from one person to the other. Some will get through it in a few days and some a few weeks. Please continue usage and do not worry, as the Wonderbar is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Ultimately, after this period is over, a more youthful, healthy, radiant skin will be revealed. You will be amazed by the results!"
The recommended usage is washing your face with it twice a day. Remove makeup first, then apply it and let it still on skin for three to five minutes. Also, it must be noted that certain product combinations can making the "Healing Crisis" even worse and mineral makeup irritates it even more. I used this product with the following products, Caudalie Cleansing Water to get my makeup off and I started the period with the Korres Wild Rose Face Cream and then went onto the Clinique Moisture Surge within about two weeks. Moisture Surge was recommended the by company that produces this product to use during the "Healing Crisis" to help hydrate the skin. I used no face scrubs or any other product than those that I listed above.
I used this product for seven weeks in total and I kept a journal of my experiences with it. the first week, I experienced a bit of extra dryness but nothing really changed. Week two almost made me want to stop using the product, I broke out all over my face (this doesn't even happen normally) and my cheeks got super dry. Week three was a continuation of the second week but the acne began to heal and didn't come back in the same force as before. The dryness was still present in the cheeks and then began to migrate to the forehead area. Week four I got an extremely bad cold which left parts of my face chapped from tissue use. I couldn't use the Wonderbar on any of these areas without a burning sensation so I stopped using it in that area.
After the fourth week, my skin got so dry with the twice daily use that I had to cut it down to only a nighttime use (the way I used my regular cleansers before this). After I went down to a single usage, much of the dryness abated and I began to see more of the benefits of the products. At this point in time, I believe that the "Healing Crisis" was coming to an end. After the end of the "Healing Crisis", I finally began to really reap the benefits of this product. The redness on my cheeks is lessened (but not gone totally), my forehead and chin are less oily throughout the day, and my overall skin tone and texture is improved. I will still get the hormonal breakouts once a month but otherwise, my skin is clearer too.
I find that this product is very unique in its mechanism of action. I am very glad that I read everything I could on the website about the product before I started using it or I might have stopped use within a week or two. As much as I complained about the "Healing Crisis" it was never at point where it was so bad that I couldn't improve my skin with a medium coverage foundation. My skin did improve after the seven week period that I used it so I would recommend others that have redness in their skin to try it out. I never used the product on my hair since I have color-treated hair. I didn't know if it would strip all of the color out or not. I would like for the website to talk a bit more about it's use on the scalp and hair before I would give it a go.
photo courtesy of The Wonderbar
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