Monday, September 26, 2011

Bath and Body Works Treacherous Treats Lip Gloss

Bath and Body Works Halloween collection is currently taking over my beauty routine, I blogged about the lotions the other day and now I am writing about the ten (yes TEN) new lip glosses that have been added to the Liplicious collection.  I just went crazy over the Paris Amour Lip Gloss set so I was very good and only bought one of the ten new Halloween glosses.  I would have loved if Bath and Body Works had done a Halloween lip gloss set of five or six small versions.  But, alas, my wish didn't come true so I had to decide which one that I liked the best in the full size and be very particular in my choice.  The lip glosses have been divided up into three series of shades: Treacherous Treats, Potent Potions, and Color Changing.  Of the three, the Color Changing were my favorites but I liked shades in each of the groups.

First we will look at Treacherous Treats, a series of glosses that are inspired by cookies and candies.  all of these contain shimmer with little to no tint.  There are four shades in this collection, some of which remind me of the Philosophy Lip Shines that come out each Halloween.  I can see where Bath and Body Works got there idea from for this series of glosses.
The first scent is the one that I find to be the most obviously inspired by Philosophy Lip Shines.  This one is named Crazy for Candy Corn and looks so close to the Philosophy Candy Corn gloss.  "Who doesn't love Halloween candy?  We've taken the flavor of Candy Corn you know and love, and created mouthwatering glosses.  Finally, guilt-free Halloween treats!"  This one is a pure candy corn flavor and will appeal to anyone who loves this treat this time of the year.  Which is pretty much...everyone!  The shade on this gloss is a sheer, shimmery combo of peach, white, and gold.  When I tried this gloss on my hand, it was mostly clear with a subtle gold sparkle to it.  It smelled very yummy but it was nothing amazing.  I can see this gloss having universal appeal but it just isn't unique enough for me to purchase it.

The second gloss is Cookies 'n' Scream, a name that just makes me groan a bit.  I would consider skipping this gloss for name alone so I don't mind that I didn't really care for the scent or the shade of the gloss.  "Who doesn't love Halloween candy?  We've taken the flavor of cookies and cream you know and love, and created mouthwatering glosses.  Finally, guilt-free Halloween treats!"  This one is super sweet and is very heavy on the sweet cream.  In fact, the scent was so strong that it irritated me a bit and is not anything that I think I could stand on a daily basis.  The shade is one that I could easily skip on, it is too warm for my skintone and won't be flattering on my skintone.  This shade is a bronze and white shimmer, too warm and too pale.  This is the worst of all the shades and the one that I will most definitely be skipping out this time.

The third shade is my favorite, this one is pigmented and apple scented.  It is actually a bit out of place with these other shades since it looks and smells very differently from them.  Forbidden Apple is just awesome and is the one in this group that seriously tempted me even though I did hold out.  "Who doesn't love Halloween candy?  We've taken the flavor of Apple Candy you know and love, and created mouthwatering glosses.  Finally, guilt-free Halloween treats!"  This gloss has a sweet candy apple scent that isn't super strong.  This gloss is a sheer red with a deep plum swirl to it however it appeared as a semi-pigmented red gloss when I applied it.  This one was hard to skip but I already own a gloss that looks exactly like this that I already love and I just don't wear bright red glosses enough to warrant having two of them.

The last of the shade is the Strawberry Boonilla, another groan-inducing name for a lip gloss.  This one is strawberry and cream fragrance that reminds me strongly of strawberry candy.  "Who doesn't love Halloween candy?  We've taken the great flavor of Strawberry Candy you know and love, and created mouthwatering glosses.  Finally, guilt-free Halloween treats!"  This scent is pure sweet strawberry candy and is one of the stronger gloss scents.  The shade is a mixture of pale pink and white shimmer that I didn't find all that flattering.  I was able to easily skip out on this shade too.

All in all, this is the weakest of the Halloween gloss collections.  These glosses have no pigment (with the exception of the Apple) and give the lips a generic shimmer.  The scents are too strong to wear in any type of work environment.  I honestly feel like these shades were designed to appeal to children and teenagers, they are just too sweet and shimmery for adults to use.  I was strongly tempted by the apple shade but I skipped over it for the above listed reasons, if it still there one day and I need a little extra to my purchase for a coupon then I would grab this gloss.  Let's see if the Potent Potions and Color Changing collections are a bit better for me...

photo courtesy of Bath and Body Works

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